Monday, February 16, 2015

Another Book Review

Another of Melody Beattie's books on codependency, this one is exactly what I've needed these last months. It is a collection of daily meditations on topics pertinent to those of us who are working to overcome this destructive behavior.

I chose to read more than one passage per day rather than the recommended one-a-day, thinking that I could accelerate the process (haha!). Actually, it worked well for me and was amazingly spot on most days that I read.

After reading several books about this topic, I found this one to be a good daily reminder to keep my focus where I wanted it.

I found that these excerpts (and others) resonated with me:

"What is more freeing than to laugh at our weaknesses and to be grateful for our strengths? To know the entire package called "us" - with all our feelings, thoughts, tendencies, and history - is worthy of acceptance and brings healing..."

"... we do not have to feel guilty. It is where we are meant to be."

"When guilt is legitimate, it acts as a warning light, signaling that we're off course. Then its purpose is finished."

"We need to let go of our need to be in dysfunctional relationships and systems at work, in love, in family relationships, in friendships. We deserve better."

"Shame... is the trademark of dysfunctional families... Shame is an overwhelming negative sense that who we are isn't okay."

"Focusing only on what's wrong is a core issue in our codependency."

"We learn to love and care differently in a way that takes reality into account."

"There is a difference between asking someone to rescue us an asking someone in a direct manner for the help we need."

"Using each problem that comes our way to 'prove' life is hard and we are helpless - this is codependency."

"We don't have to forfeit our truth or our power to others. That is codependency."

"People, jobs, what we have as our immediate disposal, are not our source."

I will be rereading this one for sure!

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