Saturday, October 18, 2014

Random Beach Post

The beach has become my happy place of late. At the close of my work week, I find myself remembering to breathe the closer I get to my ocean destination. A place where I can lay aside the myriad of thoughts that take most of my energy and attention during the work week, I pray for a break in the weather so that I can let go the tenseness in my body and walk the sandy shore. A place for organizing the clutter in my mind and heart, I can regain my perspective here.

It's so easy to stuff those thoughts, emotions, and frustrations into a tidy place in my mind until they leak out as aches and pains, grumblings, lost memories, and an inability to relax and take time for my needs. Walking the shore, relaxing in solitude, laughing and carrying on conversations with my dear friends all work to release the tension of the week.

I thank my G-d for providing this place of sanctuary and peace, for friends who offer wise counsel, for the wind and waves.

From the rising of the sun to its going down, the Name of the L-rd shall be praised.  ~Psalm 113:3

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator. ~ Gandhi

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