Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekly Challenge #19

A picture of your biggest insecurity

Well, I don't think I can narrow it down to just one... where would you like me to start?

Let's begin with the usual one of being pleasing (or not so pleasingly) plump? That's how Mom used to say it anyway. Gotta find clothes that skim and not cling to those unseemly shapes... pretty scary, let me tell you!

Or, how about that gaping hole in my mouth where I had that tooth taken out instead of having a root canal? That was smart... Don't smile too big now!

Then there's those tiny hands and feet on this 'not-so-proportionate' body... well, I won't elaborate on that one - someone's going to yell at me if I do. Just don't look too close, please!

I get in trouble for calling the 'Women's' section of the department store the 'Fat section' - I always explain that I can say that because I am! That doesn't go over too well... (sorry - random thought jumped in there)

Okay, back to the topic at hand! Here's a good one! Parenting..
. oh, I don't think I'll say much about that one except I strongly suspect I'm not alone in this insecurity - just a thought.

I won't bore you with anymore, though I could go on for quite awhile! Have a nice day!

*photo courtesy of Hendel D'bu


  1. Yeah... *frown*

    I love you, my dear friend! :-)

  2. First of all dear heart, we are fluffy and not fat... and it is the curvy girl section, not the fat girl section, and hey , who has the sexy ankles...huh? I love you just the way you are and miss spending time with you and your fun self.
