Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I Like About Premenopause...

1. Hot flashes - yeah, those are great when I'm trying style my hair in the mornings or put on make-up.

2. Mood swings - hey, roller coasters are fun, right?  Only these ones never quite get to the high points - that just means I'm actually feeling normal... I get to feel a lot younger sometimes, too... like about 13.

3. Tears at unexpected times - keeps those glands cleared out... yep, especially when the faucet is on and off all day.  I also help support the tissue manufacturers.  It makes time with family and friends so much more pleasant.

4. Dropsies - this one gives me an opportunity to practice patience when I get to pick up the same thing over and over.  Fun.

5. Foggy brain - when I'm foggy, I can listen to the same music over and over again and never notice or walk through a store never once thinking of buying anything no matter how cool it is.

6. Fatigue - now, this one helps keep Starbucks in business.  Yeah, that's good...

7. Crawling out of my skin - well, now... I get to get in my car and drive... and drive... or walk and walk... Exercise and funding the oil companies.  Cool.

8. Shape change - you know when you start to thicken around the middle so you get a whole new wardrobe!  Notice I avoided using the 'w' word - not cool to mention...

9... Hmm... now, what was that other one... I know there was something else... oh, well.

That about sums 'er up for this lucky woman dang - some of us get even more symptoms.  The awesome thing is that every woman in the world gets to experience it, some of us for years and years before it dissipates away to boring, old normalcy.


  1. I hear ya! I'm right there too. :p

  2. You made me both smile and frown at the same time -- it's the sympathetic look.

    Looking forward to the "other side" for you. I know it makes you miserable.

  3. Oh and don't leave out the never ending peiod,or those lucky months when you get to have 2!
    Or how about taking the wrong exit to work, when you normally could drive that route in your sleep.
    The night sweats when you wake up sweating like you ran a marathon in your sleep. I love that one!
