Monday, August 29, 2011

Star Wars Challenge - Week 30

Why I Love Star Wars

This post concludes our 30 week Star Wars Challenge - can you believe it?  It's been fun challenging myself to find awesome photos, share memories, and generally give into my geeky hobby.

So, why do I love Star Wars?  Let me begin by having you read this post* from way back about this very topic.  It explains it all pretty succinctly.  The Jedi are so dang cool, you know!  How's this* for wisdom?

Thank you all for taking time to read my posts, my friends.  Fellow geeks, you rock!

*mouse over the highlighted words to click on the link.

1 comment:

  1. I love that pic of us!! Fab :-)

    Thanks for lovin' SW with me, my dear Padawan!
