Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekly Challenge #21

A picture of somewhere you'd like to travel

I've done lots of traveling the last few years all of which has been driving around our beautiful country - I've loved it all!  However, I've had a strong desire the last several years to travel to the Land - the only place referred to as just 'The Land' is of course, Israel.

I want to walk where my Messiah has walked, feel His presence at the Kotel and in the tunnels beneath the city of Jerusalem.  I want to walk through Yad VaShem weeping over the individual lives portrayed there.  I want to walk along the Galilee, eat falafel at the best places, experience real Turkish coffee, and listen to history unfold from our scholarly guide as we wander around Masada.

When that becomes a reality, when my best friend and I walk those paths together, I will know that I've truly come to the place where my heart resides.  For now, though, I'll settle for our little 3-day trip to Sunriver, Oregon!

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