Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekly Challenge #34

A pair of pictures showing 'then and now'

2005 - our first letterboxing adventure

2011 - our latest trooping event in eastern Washington

Well, I can certainly see the difference in myself in these two pics.  Back in 2005, I was far less confident of anything about myself.  Yes, I was still me in there, but now, after several years of being in serious training, I know how different I am.

Look at that - relaxed, confident and strong in my faith,  ready to stand for what is right, ready to defend my friends, having a good idea of what others think of me (even the bad), realistic about relationships, much more self-aware, no longer allowing others to show me disrespect.

Not to say that everything's perfect - lots to learn I still have, not to mention getting through these lovely hormonal years.  Much heartache and many difficult times lay behind me. I thank the most high G-d for bringing me to this juncture.  I can do nothing without Him... and He has blessed me beyond measure with the best of friends to walk beside me through the years.  I am honored to walk beside her as well and thank my G-d every day for her.


  1. G-d is continuing to do a good work in you, my dear friend.

  2. I feel like Rip van Winkle (just seeing this post)! I'm so sorry, my friend.

    Didn't know you "before" -- my loss -- but thrilled to know you now. You are a gem, and I love you so much!
