Your favorite Obi Wan Kenobi quote
I'm sorry, but I cannot settle for just one quote from the quintessential Jedi...
"If you are willing to violate trust, you cannot claim virtue."
"Making mistakes is part of being a Padawan. It's how we deal with making mistakes that determines our progress - and our ulitmate success or failure."
Then there are those dry, witty ones that just slip so easily into conversation... it's not so much the words he says but how he says them, you know.
"I didn't say anything!"
"That's what I hate about flying!"
"It's not flying I mind, but what you're doing is suicide!"
"Try not to upset him, we have a job to do."
"Hello, there."
"Did I miss something?"
"But I prefer to think of it as not winning at the moment."
Sweet!! Oh yes...I doooooooo love my quotable Obi-Wan! :-D